Sunday, January 15, 2017


We do not have school on Monday, January 16th. Teachers are going to a presentation about Generational Poverty at West High in the morning and then working in our buildings in the afternoon.

We will be starting Unit 3 Week 3 in our reading curriculum. Here are the skills we will be working on: 
Weekly Concept: Tales Over Time
Essential Question: What is a folktale?
Oral Vocabulary: tale, hero, eventually, foolish, timid
Phonics/Spelling: -ed, -ing/ soft c, g, dge
HFW: any, from, happy, once, so, upon

In writing, we will continue to work on Personal Narratives. The kids are getting better each day! Practice makes progress.

In math, we will begin 10 more, 10 less and 1 more, 1 less. We've spent weeks working on writing our numbers 1-120, addition strategies, recognizing patterns on a hundreds chart, and great than/less than. They are well prepared for the task at hand, and I have no doubts they will take this new challenge head on!

Just a few reminders:
Snow clothes are getting pretty smelly. Please think about washing. The kids eat before they play at lunch, so they wear most of their gear to the lunch room.
Also, our attendance has been very poor since coming back from Christmas break. Please remember to call the office if your child will not be attending school.

I will be finishing up testing math and reading this week.  Make sure you kids are getting adequate sleep!
I will be gone Thursday and Friday so we will have a guest teacher.

Wishing you well,
Wendy Martin

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