Sunday, January 25, 2015

What Beautiful Weather!

So the weather is going to be fabulous this week!  I am guessing the kids are gonna get kinda soggy so make sure they have boots or they will need to stay on the blacktop.

If you have not returned your child's report card envelope, please do so next week.  Also, green folders and homework are due the following Tuesday.  I stuff folders Tuesday night.  If they are not there Tuesday night they are considered late.

This is our final week learning about communities.  Our focus question is, "Do we have everything we need in a community?"  With how much we have learned about communities I think this will be an easy question for the students to answer!

In math, we will continue to work on 10s and 1s.  We will also introduce greater than, less than, and equal to.  We will also introduce the symbols that represent those phrases <, >, =.

On February 3, we will celebrate the 100th day of school.   For homework, each child needs to gather 100 of one edible item to be added to our 100-day stew(trail mix) .  Each child should count the items at home and bring them to school in a gallon size or smaller Ziploc bag to share and display.  Please help your child by making 10 piles of 10 items and then counting by 10 to reach 100.

Examples of items brought in previous years:
Candy hearts goldfish
Small marshmallows gumdrops
Pretzels M&M’s
Skittles Fruit Loops
Wheat Thins Hershey kisses
Graham sticks circle soup crackers
Cheerios gummy bears

Please feel to bring them anytime between now and February 3.

If you want to start the search for Valentine cards, go for it.  We have 20 students in our class.  I will put up a list of names on the blog when the time gets closer.  We will have our Valentines Day party of the 12th so you can start bringing their cards on February 9.

Don't forget Science Night is Friday, January 30 from 6:00-7:30.  This will be a very fun event!  I hope you can make it!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Folders and reports cards Thursday

Green folders will go home on Thursday this week instead of Wednesday.  Your child's report card can be found in their green folder.  Please be careful when reviewing your report card with your child.  Focus on improvements even if they are small.  Try to help them set some reasonable and attainable goals for next quarter.

Thanks to those of you who brought snacks.  If you have not brought snacks yet, we should be good for a couple of weeks so just bring them when you can.

The time of Science Night has changed.  It will be from 6:00-7:30 on Friday, January 30.  PTA is still looking for helpers for this event.  You do not need to have any science background to volunteer. Shifts are from 6:00-6:45 and 6:45-7:30. There is a link to the PTA on the right side of the blog. Last year, the kids loved this event!  I am sure it is going to be even better this year!

Now that we are done with our assessments, we are back to our normal reading schedule.  We are still learning about communities.  This week we are focusing on neighbors and how they play together.

In spelling, we are working on words that contain ch, tch, and wh.  Please practice the spelling words with your kiddos.  It makes such a huge difference in their success.

In math, we are continuing place value.  This is a very important concept.  We will spend all of 3rd quarter focusing on place value.  This week we will still be using rods (10s) and units (1s) to represent two-digit numbers.  We will also continue to become more familiar with the 100s chart and writing numbers 1-100.

Have a great week!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

We need snacks!

Well we survived the first week back after break!  It's always tough getting back into the school routine after having a few weeks off.

We are still in need of snacks.  The students really look forward to that snack at the end of the day. I don't know how but they seem to be starving in the afternoon. Thanks!

Can you believe second quarter ends on Friday?  That means we are half way through the year!  This year is going so fast.

Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather this week.  It's supposed to be fairly warm for this time of year so we are planning on being able to go out for morning walk and recesses.  Also, make sure your child's mittens, hats, snow pants, scarves, etc. are labeled with their name or initials.

We will not be doing reading groups this week.  Instead we will be completing a few reading assessments.  I am excited to see how much the student's reading levels have increased this quarter. We have some great readers in class.  We will be having a spelling test on Friday.

In math we are going to continue learning about place value.  The students will be introduced to rods and units to help understand 10s and 1s.  They will also learn that the numbers in a 2 digit number represent 10s and 1s.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone enjoyed the break.  I know I did, but I am ready for school to start back up and see the kids.

We are going to get right back on schedule.  In Lead 21, we will continue Unit 3 which focuses on Social Studies "In My Neighborhood". Students explore the concept of neighborhood as a place where people interact socially and contribute economically.

In math, we will continue assessing skills taught this quarter. We will be starting to learn more about 10's and 1's.  Keep practicing Xtra Math!  I love seeing the updates and how your child is progressing.  Those that practice at least a couple times a week are much further ahead than their peers.  Keep up the great work!

In writing, we will be focusing on writing our opinion, supporting it with two facts, and having a sense of closure.

Remember kids need all their snow clothes (snow pants, snow boots, winter jacket, hat, and gloves) to be allowed to play in the snow.  If they come unprepared, then they have to stay on the blacktop and that is not very fun.  Also, remember to pack tennis shoes for PE.  This allows them to participate safely and it is also part of their grade.

Have a great week!

Wishing you well!