Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Thank you!

A HUGE thank you to all of you who supported the first grade booth at the Classroom Carnival.  I was so bummed to miss it. Also, thank you to those of you who donated items for the raffle basket. The money each booth raised goes directly to the grade level teachers.  First grade uses the money for our end of the year field trip, Mother's Day breakfast, and other fun activities throughout the year.

Report cards go home on Friday, March 31.  Remember BE PROUD OF YOUR KIDDO'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS!  First grade is hard, especially third quarter.  These kiddos worked their tails off this quarter and gave it their all.  After reviewing your kiddo's report card please send the empty, signed envelope back to school.

Mark your calendars...Friday, May 12 will be a busy day for first graders at Bitterroot.  First grade will be hosting our second annual Mother's Day breakfast from 7:30-8:05.  More information will be coming out at a later date.  We will also be having a spring music performance from 1:15-1:45 in the gym.  Hope to see you at both events!

We need volunteers to help out with our end of the year field trip to Riverfront Park on Friday, May 26.  We will need help from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm.  Responsibilities include running a game station, eating lunch with a small group of kiddos, and going on a nature walk as a class.  You must have a background check completed before attending.  Mrs. Z can hook you up with a background check form.  These take a few weeks to get back so it would be wise to get it done now.  If you are interested in volunteering please let me know.

Our essential question in reading this week is, "What inventions do you know about?".

In writing, we will continue working on informational pieces

In math we will continue to tell time to the hour and the half hour.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Rain, rain, go away! Bring on the sunshine

I can't believe how fast the school year is flying by.  Third quarter ends on Friday, March 24.  

Please return picture packets and/or money to purchase those pictures that you would like to keep.

I will be gone Monday, March 27.

A huge thank you to Raegan's mom for coming in to help with our leprechaun science experiments. The kiddos had so much fun!

Thank you to those who donated to the first grade raffle basket.  If you have not already done so there is still time to donate.  Our basket theme is family fun.  Please send donations to school on Monday, March 20.

The Classroom Carnival is Friday, March 24.  The teachers and PTA have been working hard to plan a fun night for the kids.  The funds raised go directly to the teachers to purchase items for the classroom, field trips, and other special projects.

In reading, we will be learning about the sky and what we can see in the sky.  The comprehension skills this week are, making predictions and cause/effect.

In writing, we will continue working on informational writing and I will be assessing their writing later this week.

In math, we will continue to work on non-standard measurement.

Have a great week!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Happy St. Patrick's Day

The classroom carnival is coming up quickly and will be tons of fun this year!  PTA is still taking donations for the raffle baskets.
First Grade Basket Theme:
Family Fun basket - Movies, puzzles, games, science projects, pet toys, arts/craft supplies, books

Yearbook order forms are due March 20th.

Spring pictures will be coming home this week.  Please send money for any pictures you want and return the rest.  Thanks!

Don't forget to spring your clocks forward an hour this weekend.

Whew! We worked hard on assessments we needed to for the end of third quarter. We are still working on our writing assessments.  This week we will review "How-to" writing and have an assessment later this week. I am so proud of the growth the students have made this year.  I can't believe the third quarter is over in a few weeks.

In reading, we are starting unit 5.  Our essential question is: "How can we classify and categorize things?"  We will be reading fiction this week in reading groups and working on identifying the point of view.

In math,  we will start out with non-standard measurement.  This is one of the students favorites

On Friday we will have an afternoon of leprechaun science! It will be a blast.
Watch out for the rain this week.  UGH!

Favorite Book Character Day

Monday, March 6, 2017

Snow again???

Well it felt like spring for a few days, now back to reality.  Make sure your child comes with appropriate recess clothes.  If the sun is shining, they think there is no need for a coat.

I am in need of some volunteers on Friday, March 17 from 12:00-1:00 to help out with our leprechaun science experiments.  Please let me know if you are interested in helping out.

First grade is looking for volunteers to work the popcorn and cotton candy booth at the school carnival on March 24.  All that is involved is taking tickets.  You can choose to work 30 to 60 minutes shifts or the whole two hours if you would like. Thank you!

We are running low on hand sanitizer.  There is some nasty viruses going around.  We even had one Bitterroot kid end up in the ICU for a week.  If you are able, please bring a bottle of hand sanitizer with a pump.  Thanks again!

If you child who has a fever or has thrown up, please make sure to keep them home 24 hours after their fever is gone or and when they have not thrown up for 24 hours.

The end of third quarter is quickly approaching which means we will be reviewing and assessing. Make sure those firsties get their beauty sleep,

In reading, we will be wrapping up unit 4.  Our essential question for the week is, "How do people work with animals?"

In writing, we are continuing to revise and conference on their opinion papers.

In math, we will be reviewing all skills and standards taught this year and assessing.

Have a great week! Stay warm,