Sunday, January 20, 2013

We started the 3rd quarter last week.  We are off and running.  In math we have started working with 10's and 1's.  I added some more math sites so your kids can practice.  Please make sure to also continue Xtra math.  I can really see a difference with the kids that are practicing it on a regular basis.

100's day will be next Monday.  Remember to bring your 100 items in a quart sized ziploc bag for our 100 day stew.

From the PTA

The theme this year is Bananas about Reading.
There will be four age groups within which children will be competing for prizes: K, 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6.
Coupons to business/restaurants will be given out as students reach reading goals: K and 1-2: will receive a coupon for every hour they read, 3-4 and 5-6: will receive a coupon for every 2 hours they read
Prizes will be awarded to the top four readers in each age group.
The prizes will consist of books, a bag and audio books
The grand prize for K and 1-2 will be iPod nanos
The grand prize for 3-4 and 5-6 will be kindles
Banana Split Parties will be awarded to:
The class in each age group with the most total hours
The class with the highest percentage of students participating in the Read-A-Thon
The class with the highest number of pledges (not necessarily the most money collected).
If the school reaches 50,000 minutes: Mr. English will dress up in a Banana Suit for a day.

If the school reaches 100,000 minutes: Mr. English will become a banana split where students who participated squirt whipped cream and chocolate, strawberry and caramel syrup on him. The whole school will also receive and extra 30 minutes of gym time.

We will attempt to make a video to kick off the Read-A-Thon, otherwise an assembly will be held.

We would appreciate donations of 3-6th grade level books to use for prizes. We would also appreciate it if anyone would be willing to donate spray cans of whipped cream or chocolate, strawberry or caramel syrup.

Wishing you well!
Wendy Martin

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Report Cards

Report cards come home tomorrow. Please try to highlight all the positive and then discuss how your child can improve in other areas.  Please sign and return the envelope.

In math we have been working on counting by tens to 130.  The students have learned how to group items into groups of 10 to make counting easier. We will begin working on tens and ones next.  I have added a few games to the blog to reinforce this skill.

The 100th day of school is on the 28th of January.  We will be making a 100-day stew.  Each student is to bring 100 edible items that will fit in a quart size Ziploc.  Please count these out with your child and put your child’s name on their bag. Some ideas are: Skittles, cereal, chocolate chips, small marshmallows, smarties,   . . . . . Please make sure all items are nut-free and are not processed in a factory that also processes nuts.  It will say right on the label.  We have an allergy so PLEASE make sure.  Many items contain nuts that you would not expect . . .like OREOS.

Do you have old Christmas cards that you are going to throw away?  If so, we could use the front of the card for a labeling project.  Just simply cut off the front of the card or send the whole card and I will take care of it.

Does your child know how to tie their shoes?  If not, please work on this at home.  Unfortunately, I do not have time to tie 21 pairs of shoes.  Now I will be telling your child to ask three then ask me so they will be asking their classmates to help.  I am guessing that some students will be getting lots of practice.  Thanks for your support!

Wishing you well,
Wendy Martin

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Welcome back!  I hope you all enjoyed the holiday break as much as I did.  It is nice to be back and into a routine.  The kids did well their first couple of days back but by Friday they were exhausted!

Security at our school is of utmost importance.  Therefore, all doors will remained locked except the front door by the office.  ALL non-staff members must check-in at the office and get a visitor pass.  This means that you may not walk into the building with your students class. Our district also has many emergency procedures in place.  We have practiced many of them up to this point, including "Shelter in Place" which is used if an intruder enters the building. We will continue to practice all drills throughout the year.

It is hard to believe but on Friday it will be the end of the 2nd quarter.  That means that we are already half way through our year!  Unbelievable! This week I will be assessing your students knowledge for their report card.

Keep up the great work on XtraMath!  I have many students who scores are between 30-80.  These kids are on the site nearly every day.  This program helps your child with math fact fluency which is an item on the report card.

Do you have old Christmas cards that you are going to throw away?  If so, we could use the front of the card for a labeling project.  Just simply cut off the front of the card or send the whole card and I will take care of it.


Have a wonderful and meaningful 2013!