Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Counting down!

I cannot believe it is already the last full week of school.  This has been such an awesome year with wonderful kiddos and amazing families.  I'm not sure I am ready to send these kiddos on to second grade!

Please make sure your kiddo returns their permission slip and lunch order form.  We have to give Ms. Chris a week's notice on how many lunches we need.  Your kiddo will not be able to go on the field trip without a signed permission slip.  I will not call home on the day of the field trip if your child has not turned in a permission slip.

Wednesday is field day (not the field trip).  Be sure your kiddo wears tennis shoes on Wednesday.  It would also be a good idea to sunscreen them before sending them to school.  They will be outside all morning.

I am trying to stick to our normal schedule as much as I can this week.  We will still begin our day with centers.  During writing, we will be working on our last writing samples.    In math, we are doing some fun review games and activities.

Have a great week!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Only 14 days left!

We had such a blast with career day costumes on Tuesday! The kiddos were so excited to dress up and share why they wanted to be in that career field. 

It is crunch time! If you have unpaid lunch tickets, lost library books, or any other must do, please get it done before the end of school. We are getting tile flooring in our rooms starting the week after school gets out, so it will be difficult (if not impossible) to get in the building.

We are officially done with our poetry binders.  They sure did great with them.

I am still finishing up assessments. WOW! Our kids have made such great progress this last quarter. Please make sure to continue sending your kiddo each day so that he/she doesn't miss out on the end of the year assessments. Thanks!

We still need volunteers for both field day and the field trip. Please email me if you are interested or STILL interested. Unfortunately, sibling are not invited. 

Have a great week! Thanks for all you do!

Monday, May 9, 2016


We are starting to plan our end of the year field trip to Riverfront Park.  This is a fun day of games and nature.  We will be going from 9:30-1:30 on Tuesday, May 31st.  Our class is still in need of at least 3 more volunteers to help make this day happen.  For safety purposes siblings are not allowed on this trip.  If you are willing to volunteer please let me know.   Permission slips and more information will be sent home when the date gets closer.

The bake sale has been extended.  Goodies will be sold Wednesday after school.

We are out of snacks again.  I have purchased enough snack to get us through this week, but we will need a few more boxes to make it through the rest of the year.

Now that we have wrapped up our Lead 21 curriculum we will be doing things a little different.  This week we will not be having reading groups.  During reading group time I will be assessing reading levels.  Spelling will also be a bit different.  For the next three weeks spelling tests will be high frequency words.  I will not be posting the 10 words I will be assessing for the week.  These are words that the students should already know and words we have been working on all year.  However, the words will be taken from the high-frequency word list on the right side of the blog if you would like to help your child study.

We are back to our normal math routine this week.  We will be learning about 2-D shapes and their attributes.

We had a wonderful turnout for our Mother's Day Breakfast!  It was tons of fun getting to celebrate all of you special ladies.  The room was so full of LOVE!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Happy May!

Thursday, May 5 is our Mother's Day Breakfast.  This is a time for you and your child to spend some extra special time together and celebrate YOU!  Please leave siblings at home.  We will have lots of yummy goodies.

Thank you to those who volunteered to help out with field day.  We are still in need of volunteers for our field trip to Riverfront Park on Tuesday, May 31.

It is tick season and we have seen some ticks in our fields.  Please be sure to check your child for ticks each night.

Thank you to those who came and supported our Classroom Carnival Friday night.  It was so much fun!

It's assessment time again.  We will be taking our spring Fastbridge benchmark assessments this week during math.  Hopefully, we can get through them in one week!

This will be our last week of LEAD 21 spelling words.  After this week we will be working on high-frequency words.  Please be sure to help your child study for their spelling test!

Have a fabulous week!