Sunday, October 2, 2016

It's October!

Can you believe it is already October?!?  We are already half way through the first quarter.  That means we have completed 26 days of first grade!  With that being said, our class has only had 10 days of perfect attendance out of 26 days.  Perfect attendance means there were no tardies and everyone was present.  Attendance is key to a successful school year.  Dr. Henry is tracking attendance on a bulletin board by the office.  When a classroom gets 10 days of perfect attendance they get to add a token to their key chain.  At the end of the year they will be able to take their attendance tracker key chains home.  Dr. Henry said the record is 70 days of perfect attendance.  Let's set a new record this year!  Here's our token for 10 days of perfect attendance.

Friday, October 7 is PTA's Family Movie Night at 6pm in the gym.  They will be showing Hotel Translyvania.  Bring a chair, blanket, pillow or whatever you need to be comfy and cozy. Concessions are sold for 25 cents.

In reading, we will be discussing "What makes a pet special?" We will learn the vocabulary words, care, train, companion, groom, and popular. Our reading will include l blends and that will also be our focus in spelling.

In writing, our lessons will focus on writing reasons to support an opinion, writing a strong introduction, writing a strong conclusion, and learning about common and proper nouns.

Math this week will consist of reviewing ways to make 10 and learning how to add three numbers together by looking for friendly 10s and/or doubles.  We will also start to work on addition word problems with three addends.

A fun game for home:
Playing Doubles Snap.  All you need is three people, a dice, and 11 small items (pennies, marbles, etc.).  One person is the judge and will roll the dice.  The other two players will double the number on the dice.  The player that says the number first gets a counter or whatever small item you are using. The person with the most items at the end of the game becomes the judge.  Players may not argue with the judge.  If a player argues with the judge one of their counters gets taken away and given to the other player!  The kids get so excited during this game that they can't help but shout the answer!

If your child is soo good at this game you would like to challenge them, play double snap plus 1.  So if you roll a 4, they would have to say 9 since 4+4=8 and one more is 9.

Another fun one:  roll the dice and whoever says the number that needs to be added to that number to make 10 wins.  Example: you roll and 6, whoever says 4 wins since 6+4=10.

Have a fabulous week!  I am excited to see the kids after being gone Thursday and Friday.

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