A few important dates to remember...
Wednesday, November 16 is Panda Express Fundraiser Night and the last day to turn in book orders.
Thursday, November 17 there is a PTA meeting from 6:30-7:30 in the library.
Tuesday, November 22 is a noon dismissal day. If your child needs a sack lunch please fill out the form that will come home Wednesday.
Wednesday, November 23-Friday, November 25 are no school days. School resumes Monday, November 28.
Wednesday, November 30 is picture retakes.
This week in reading, we are learning about communities in nature and are trying to answer the question, "Where do animals live together?" All of the reading groups will be reading a nonfiction text called, Meerkat Family. We will also be learning about various habitats.
In writing, we will begin How-To writing. We will start with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and move on to the turkeys the kids disguised at home. Please make sure your child has brought their completed turkey to school on Monday.
We will continue to work on missing parts in addition and subtraction problems. This is one of the toughest concepts we work on so we will be taking it slow and spending quite a bit of time on it. We will also be working on extending the counting sequence starting with any number between 0-120.
We will continue working on our Light and Sound Module in Project Lead the Way. Last week, we learned what the problem is that we will be solving at the end of the module (A group of hikers is lost and needs to communicate with the other group but only has a few items they brought to use). We learned about the engineer design process. Over the next month or so we will be working on activities and projects that will increase our knowledge on light and sound. We will then apply that knowledge when we solve the problem and create a way to communicate using light and sound.
Have a wonderful week and Happy Thanksgiving!
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