The road construction on Bench is in full swing. Check the PTA page to stay current on all of the construction updates.
I have noticed that many Wednesday folders are coming in late or not at all. Folders and homework need to be turned in no later than Tuesday. I stuff folders Tuesday after school and mark off who has turned in their folders and homework. "Returns items to school" is graded on the report card!
Please be sure to send your childs read-a-thon envelope back one more time on Monday.
This week we are moving on to a new reading comprehension unit. We will now be learning how to create mental images. We will be applying our knowledge to many poems throughout the week.
We are STILL writing book reviews! Hopefully, this week we will be able to finish those up.
In math, we will continue using models to subtract multiples of 10. We will also be doing lots of review to get ready for our third quarter assessments. Can you believe in a few weeks third quarter will be over?!? I know I say it all the time, but this year is going so fast!
Drop everything and Read!

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