Mark you calendars!
May 28-Field Trip to Riverfront Park-9:30-1:30- We will be exploring the pond habitat and playing outdoor games. Would you like to help? I still need 5 volunteers to meet us at Riverfront Park this day. Unfortunately, siblings and other children may not come. It is a great trip and the kids love it!
May 29- Field day- This is a fun morning for K-3 with a lot of outdoor games. Would you like to volunteer to take our first grade class around to each game? It will be from 9:20-10:50. I need 1 more volunteers for this event. However, siblings and non-school age kids are not allowed to come with you since you will be supervising our little firsties.
We will be doing our AIMSWeb reading and math assessments this week. Please make sure your kids gets plenty of rest and has a good breakfast before coming to school this week. Assessments are much tougher for hungry and tired kids.
This is our last week of Lead 21. We will be wrapping up our unit about habitats. This is also our last week of spelling. Please be sure to help your child study each night.
In math we will be learning how to tell time to the hour and half hour.
Thank you to the parents who sent snack. We now have enough to make it through the year.
Please make sure to pay any negative balances on your child's lunch account. The lunchroom will not accept any more lunch charges after May 1st. So please make sure you child has money in their account.
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