Congratulations to our Purple Hand Cookie winner...Ryleigh! She follows the purple hand pledge that we say every morning when we line up. Way to go Ryleigh!
Hope you made it to Saturday Live! It is such a fun event for the kids. I usually hear about it for weeks.
Are you remembering to have your child read their poetry binder over the weekend? Remember to sign the back of the last poem in the book so I know that your child read it to you. Also, homework comes home in the green folder on Wednesday but you have until Tuesday return it along with the green folder.
First grade is starting reading groups this week! The Lead 21 reading series has six units with each unit consisting of 4 weeks. Unit one is all about family and friends. Our theme question for this unit is "How are my friends and family connected to me?" To help us answer this question, we will be reading books about friends and family in reading groups and during whole group reading time. We will also have a weekly focus question that will help lead us to an answer for our theme question. This week's focus question is "What makes a good friend?" We also have weekly group vocabulary that goes along with our theme. This week the vocabulary is: different, problems and connected. Your child will also have reading group vocabulary. These words vary according to their reading group. We will be working on these in small groups.
Our focus for spelling this week are the sounds of h, j, k and v. Next week, we will start spelling tests. Look for the words on the blog next week. Words have to be spelled correctly and letters need to be placed on the line correctly.
Wow! Way to go for those of you that have been practicing Xtra Math. I have noticed a big difference in your child's speed and accuracy. If you have not signed up yet. Please do! It helps them so much!
In math, we will continue working on doubles and learn doubles +1. Towards the end of the week we will begin ways to make 10. This is such an important concept so we will spend many days on it. If the kids know the combinations of 10, it makes math so much easier, especially when we get to place value later in the year.
We are beginning sentences and fragments in writer's workshop. The students will sort sentences and fragments. They will also have an opportunity to write some sentences about friends.
The weather can't seem to make up its mind. Please be sure to send your child with a jacket on those chilly days for morning recess. Playing isn't much fun when you are cold.
Have a fabulous week!
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