100's day will be next Monday. Remember to bring your 100 items in a quart sized ziploc bag for our 100 day stew.
From the PTA
The theme this year is Bananas about Reading.
There will be four age groups within which children will be competing for prizes: K, 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6.
Coupons to business/restaurants will be given out as students reach reading goals: K and 1-2: will receive a coupon for every hour they read, 3-4 and 5-6: will receive a coupon for every 2 hours they read
Prizes will be awarded to the top four readers in each age group.
The prizes will consist of books, a bag and audio books
The grand prize for K and 1-2 will be iPod nanos
The grand prize for 3-4 and 5-6 will be kindles
Banana Split Parties will be awarded to:
The class in each age group with the most total hours
The class with the highest percentage of students participating in the Read-A-Thon
The class with the highest number of pledges (not necessarily the most money collected).
If the school reaches 50,000 minutes: Mr. English will dress up in a Banana Suit for a day.
If the school reaches 100,000 minutes: Mr. English will become a banana split where students who participated squirt whipped cream and chocolate, strawberry and caramel syrup on him. The whole school will also receive and extra 30 minutes of gym time.
We will attempt to make a video to kick off the Read-A-Thon, otherwise an assembly will be held.
We would appreciate donations of 3-6th grade level books to use for prizes. We would also appreciate it if anyone would be willing to donate spray cans of whipped cream or chocolate, strawberry or caramel syrup.
Wishing you well!
Wendy Martin
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