Happy December!
It is hard to believe that the end of the year is so near. We have a full three weeks of learning ahead. I have added great learning links for your children below. They will help reinforce what we have been learning in class. We will be using them during Tech Time this week.
Thank you for helping your child remember all their snow gear. It is really hard on them to only play on the blacktop when they don't have it! PLEASE label all gear as many students have the same items.
I will be sending in the book order at the end of this week. If you want books for presents, please just send me a note so I know not to send it with them. You can order on the link below.
We have another new student. His name is Thomas and he moved from Independent School. Welcome Thomas! This bring our class to 21 students.
Tuesday~P.E.~ bring or wear tennis shoes
Friday~ Library
Wishing you well!
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