Sunday, December 18, 2016

Holiday concert on Tuesday

How is it already the week before Christmas?  December is flying by in the blink of an eye.  It is definitely going to be a white Christmas.

Tuesday, December 20 is our Holiday Music Program at Medicine Crow.  The show will begin at 9:15.  If you are planning on leaving after your child performs please sit in the back.  Also, please make sure your child is to school on time.  We will be leaving Bitterroot at 8:45 to walk over.  That does not give us much time to get backpacks put away, potty, take attendance, etc.  Please make sure your child is wearing shoes that are safe and easy for them to walk in.  It has been decided students will only be wearing their coats to Medicine Crow.  We don't have time to take snow pants off and we don't have storage for them at Medicine Crow.  Please make sure if your girly is wearing a dress they have leggings or at the very least tights on with it.  We don't want their little legs to freeze on the walk over!  Mrs. Olson has done a fabulous job with the program this year!

Thursday, December 22 is our annual First Grade Polar Express Day!  Students may wear their pajamas to school on Thursday.  They may also bring slippers and a small blanket.  Please do not send a special blanket as it is likely that hot chocolate or candy cane will get on it.  Please make sure your child wears shoes or boots to school on Thursday and we will change into slippers when they get into the classroom.  Girls need to wear pants under nightgowns as we will be going out to recess if it is above 0.

Safe travels to those who are heading out of town this holiday season.  Hopefully, the roads clear up and travel won't be an issue.

We continue to work with sound and light with Project Lead the Way.  The kids were so engaged when we were exploring light!  It was amazing to see how well they worked together and all of the discoveries they made.

Have a great week!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Snow Clothes!

The winners of the Bobcat 200 have selected to have another spirit day.  On Tuesday, December 13, the entire school is being encouraged to wear their favorite sports team gear.  If your child doesn't have a favorite sports team they can wear Bitterroot bobcat gear or colors (blue and yellow).

Let's hope it is above zero and we can go outside for recess next week.  Students must have snow pants, snow boots, and gloves to play in the snow and on the play equipment.  Children without the proper snow gear will have to stay on the blacktop during recess--BORING!  If providing these items is a hardship, please contact Mrs. Neese.  Mrs. Neese has many donors and programs to help provide these items for those in need.

Just a reminder...our Holiday Music Program is on Tuesday, December 20 at Medicine Crow.  The show starts at 9:15.  I hear the first performers are quite amazing!

The next few weeks are looking a little different during our reading block.  We just completed unit 2 in our Wonders reading series and are going to wait until after Christmas to start unit 3.  That means we will not have any new spelling words or high-frequency words until we get back from break.  We will be practicing the words and skills learned up to this point.

This week in writing, I will be introducing personal narratives.  This should be much easier than our how-to writing.  Personal narrative writing is basically the students writing about something they have experienced and we all know first graders love to tell stories about themselves!

In math, we are going to continue talking about tens and ones.  We will be doing many activities with the 120 chart.

Have a fabulous week!

Sunday, December 4, 2016


Looks like it is going to be a chilly week.  Make sure your first graders is prepared for recess.  Just a reminder: if your child is too sick to participate in recess then they are too sick to come to school.

We had an elf delivery from the North Pole last week.  They named him Chippy. The kids are journaling the elf's behavior everyday and he is watching theirs.  I am hoping that elf doesn't get too crazy.

We continue to work on informational writing. We will focus on word wall words, revising, and editing.

In math, we are going to start investigating tens and ones.  There will be a lot of counting going on this week. Don't be surprised if your child starts grouping and counting everything.

In reading, Our essential question is  "How you find your way around?". We will learn about common nouns, proper nouns, synonyms, and antonyms.

We finished our first part of exploring sound.  The kids made phones and experimented with the best way to get sound to travel.  We begin exploring light this week.

We filled our marble jar!!!  The students picked a celebration and we will be having a movie, popcorn, and stuffed animal party on Friday.  Make sure the stuffed animal is small enough to fit in their backpack along with everything else in it.

We also won the Boxtop contest for the first part of the year!  Thank you parents!  Keep them coming.  We won a doughnut party.   Date to celebrate has not yet been decided.

Have a great week!