Sunday, October 26, 2014

I hope you all made it to the Pumpkin Patch Party!

This week concludes our 1st quarter.  I can't believe it!  It has gone so fast.

It is VERY important that your child is at school this week.  We will be assessing reading, math and writing skills for the report card.  NO SPELLING TEST!

In between the assessments, we will be doing some fun Halloween activities!  We will make pumpkin bars and graph how many kids liked them and how many did not.  We will also write an opinion piece about them.  This week the kids get to write our weekly poem.  They will be writing about what to put into spider soup!  We will also make spider soup on Friday.  Yum! Yum!

Don't forget to wear red tomorrow for Red Ribbon Week.  Check the important information section to see what we are wearing for the rest of Red Ribbon Week.

Have a great week!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Picture day on Wednesday!

     Remember we will have fall pictures on October 22.  All kids will be getting their picture taken so make sure they look cute even if you are not ordering pictures. If you plan on ordering pictures be sure to send your money and form to school or order online.
     All of first grade will have bus safety on October 23.  We will get to practice exiting a bus through the back door.  Whoopee!
     The Pumpkin Patch party is this Friday.  The kids love this event.  They can come and show off their costumes.  Mom and Dads can too, if they like.  Tickets are $5 and will be on sale this week. Adults and children under 3 are free!  I hope to see you Friday at the party.
     We will be wrapping up our Lead 21 Unit 1 this week.  Our focus question this week is "What do families do together?"  We will continue to focus on making inferences.
     In spelling, we will focus on short o words.  We will have a test on Friday.  Don't forget to practice, practice, practice!  During writer's workshop we will be focusing on writing informational sentences about bats.
     Math gets more difficult this week.  We are working on missing addend as an unknown subtraction problem.  This is a very tough skill, so we will spend the entire week on it.
     Enjoy the warm weather!  Hopefully we get to keep it for a while!

Wishing you well!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Spelling Test Wednesday!

It will be a short school week.  School gets out at 12:00 on Wednesday, the 15th.  We will have a spelling test this day but it won't be put in the grade book due to the lack of time to practice.  All the words this week are short i.
It was fire prevention last week.  We were lucky to have Mr. Barbeau, a Bitterroot parent and firefighter come teach the first graders fire safety.  They were so excited and engaged.  They may ask you where your families meeting place is.  

Have a wonderful week.  Enjoy the short break.  

Monday, October 6, 2014


We begin spelling words this week.   You can find the words and sentence on the right side of the blog.  Your child will bring their spelling paper home in their Wednesday folder, but 2 nights is not very much time to practice the words.  This week our spelling focus is short a as in alligator.  Please help your kids practice their spelling words throughout the week.  There is a link on my blog called "Spelling City".  It's a great place to practice.

In reading we are still focusing on family and friends.  Our focus question this week is "What do friends share together?"  We will also  continue to work on determining important information and comparing and contrasting.

In math, we will spend the week focusing on ways to make 10.  We have lots of fun activities planned!  There are many kids working on Xtra Math at home and they are making excellent progress on their addition facts.  I have noticed that they also are able to complete in class work more successfully and confidently.

In writing we will continue to work on complete sentences while discussing fragments. We will also work on "Things I Love" page and begin writing sentences.

Have a wonderful week!